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Make space at home for healthy movement

Make space at home for healthy movement
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New year’s resolution to get fit? Here’s how to make room for exercise at home

Nothing beats the convenience of a home workout. You don’t have to go out in the dark and cold; you don’t have to listen to the grunts and crashes of other people’s workouts; and you don’t have to take advice or comments from other gym members, either. And when you’ve finished working up a sweat, you can step into your own shower.

Limited space, no excuse: creating a home gym in tight quarters

Even with confined living spaces, carving out a designated exercise area at home can significantly boost your fitness motivation. Instead of locating the exercise bike in an awkward place, consider sacrificing a seat that is rarely used or a dresser full of obsolete items or sports equipment that you only use outside the home. Prioritise your physical well-being by making room for your workouts.

Decluttering to make more space at home

Once you start looking for space to exercise at home, it is surprising how many items you can find that have been kept without good reason. Start by returning borrowed items and disposing of anything that is waiting to go to the recycling centre or charity shop.

For items that you can’t get rid of altogether then self-storage is the ideal option. Self-storage is best for seasonal items, for example festive decorations or sports equipment. Keeping it outside your home means you have plenty of space for living – and exercising.

Make your living space adaptable

Multi-purpose rooms are becoming more common as housing costs increase. Keep your living room adaptable by choosing modular sofas that can be quickly moved to increase your floor space. But it’s surprising how little space you need for a workout – as long as you can put an exercise mat down and do a floor angel, you’re good to go.

Think about heating and cooling your exercise space. It’s not so bad exercising in a cooler spot, but during the summer months you may find a exercising in a hot conservatory unbearable.

Self-conscious about exercise? Consider whether you’ll feel overlooked using a room with a window on to the street. Blinds or window film could help with this.

Room for exercise equipment

Some workouts are specifically designed to use items you already have at home – for example, chairs, steps and tin cans. But if you want a piece of exercise equipment like a static bike, think about where you’ll site it. Could it go on a balcony or in the garage? Do you want a view of a window or the TV so you can follow exercise videos like the ones offered by the NHS?

Storing exercise equipment

A key part of an adaptable living space is the ability to put equipment away at the end of an activity. Boxes and baskets are great if you want to hide equipment away; but some exercise gear is stylish enough that you could keep it on display. Set boundaries with family members about leaving coats, bags or even laundry on your exercise equipment, as it may demotivate you if you have to tidy up before you begin.

Getting fit at home in the new year

With a little imagination, your home can become a haven that will help you achieve your fitness goals.


Question and Answer


Can I exercise in my storage unit?

Most storage companies will not allow you to use your storage room for exercising. But some organisations will allow you to rent a space for fitness by the hour.