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A checklist for taking items out of storage

A checklist for taking items out of storage
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Wondering about best practice for moving domestic goods out of storage? Here are our thoughts

Taking an organised approach to self-storage is likely to save you a lot of time in the long run. Here is a checklist to run through every time you bring something out of storage.

Do I need help moving my goods out of storage?

Most able-bodied people can probably manage to bring a couple of boxes out of storage; but for heavier, bulkier items, you may want to get some help, either from friends or from professional removers – the British Association of Removers has a handy directory.

Many self-storage centres offer free use of trolleys to help you get items between your storage unit and your car.

Don’t forget to check whether your vehicle will fit the item in question, too. Another benefit some storage companies offer is free use of a van.

Is there space for my goods at home?

Another consideration when bringing items out of storage is whether you have room at home. Otherwise, your things will just become clutter in your living space.

It can be difficult to visualise the space a piece of furniture will take – so if in doubt, visit and measure before committing to moving it to your home.

Amend your self-storage inventory

A self-storage inventory is a really useful tool for keeping track of what you’ve got stored. Many people are hard pressed to remember what they have in their storage unit, particularly if they don’t visit often. We strongly recommend you make a note of what you’ve got in your storage unit one way or another. We’ve got a post with some information about self-storage inventories.

When you bring items out of storage, update your inventory so that you know where your possessions are.

Is your storage unit still suitable?

Don’t overpay for storage: if you need a smaller space after you’ve taken something out of your unit, let the storage company know to ensure you’re not paying for empty air month after month.

Also, if you’ve selected a storage company that offers an enhanced service – for example, climate control, or extra security – that you no longer need, consider whether another storage centre will better meet your requirements. This could save you money in the long run, but do balance that against the effort of moving to a different storage centre.

Will the value of your storage unit contents change when you move something out of storage?

If the value or the nature of your stored goods has changed, then you’ll need to let us know so we can adjust your insurance payments. Use our contact page to get in touch if you want to let us know about any changes to your stored goods. And if your stored goods are not insured with us, please feel free to get a quote to see if we could save you money on your self-storage insurance!

Staying organised to get the most out of self-storage

It may seem like a bit of extra work to check items in and out of your storage unit against an inventory; but as in so many areas of life, a little organisation can save you hours of wasted effort trying to get a piece of furniture into a space that is not right for it.