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Moving home in wet weather

Moving home in wet weather
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Moving home in torrential rain is no one’s idea of a good time… Here’s how to stay calm and more or less dry

Even when everything goes smoothly, a house move is a high-stress event. Bad weather makes the job of moving your household goods that much more complicated. Here are some things to consider if rain is predicted for your moving day.

Weather forecasting for moving day

Long-range weather forecasting is not always as precise as we’d like, so if rain is predicted for your move next week, make plans for wet weather, but know that a stormy move is not inevitable.

On the day before, you’ll be able to get a better understanding of what to expect. Use a website like the Met Office’s rainfall radar to work out when the showers are likely to arrive and time your activities around that.

Use storage to ease your moving day woes

Even if the weather really is atrocious, it may not be possible to postpone your move. But if bad weather is predicted for your moving day, you may wish to put some items into storage ahead of your move. Then you can bring them into your new home at your leisure when the weather is drier. You’ll need to insure your domestic goods, even if they’re stored temporarily. When you insure your stored goods with us, you can pay by the day – so you won’t pay to insure goods that are not kept in your storage unit.

Keeping your possessions dry on a wet moving day

It’s likely that your furniture is going to get a little wet if you’re moving on a very rainy day. Tarpaulins and plastic sheeting will help you to protect furniture while it’s outside. A good supply of towels will also be helpful.

A professional removals company is likely to bring their own equipment like rain covers, and they’ll have the knowledge and the experience to keep your goods as dry as possible.

Safe lifting is even more important when the weather is bad

Bad weather makes people tired and distracted, and under those circumstances, lifting mishaps are more likely. Brush up safe lifting techniques with our post before moving day so that you know exactly what to do, and also what not to do.

Safer paths on moving day

Wet weather can make paths unsafe and slippery. A fall with a heavy load can cause serious injury, which could leave you dealing with an emergency on moving day while down one helper. And, of course, an injury may leave your friend unable to work.

So take it slowly and carefully when moving on a wet day. Clear mud and moss off the paths that your moving helpers will be using.

Avoid wet floors inside for a safer move

Wet floors in your home are another hazard. Splitting your helpers into an inside crew and an outside crew will help keep floors dry. But keep an eye on wet spots, and clean them up quickly. Keep a mop and paper towels handy so your helpers can do this for themselves.

Dry out and warm up

Working in the wet, even in summer, can leave people cold and fatigued. Ensure your helpers on moving day have somewhere to shelter and warm up on their breaks, too. Offer hot drinks and snacks at regular intervals, and make towels available.

Take time to enjoy your new home

Even if the weather has been dreadful, there will come a moment when all your stuff is in the house, and your moving day take-away dinner is on its way. Mop up the muddy footprints, open the fizz and enjoy that new house feeling. Even if you can’t enjoy your new outdoor space now, eventually there will be a sunny day when you can.