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Moving home in extreme heat

Moving home in extreme heat
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A house move during a heatwave is definitely challenging, but there are a few things you can do to make it easier

Moving home when the mercury is rising is no-one’s idea of a good time – but some moving dates cannot be changed to accommodate a heatwave. So if you know it’s going to be 28C on moving day, what can you do to prepare?

Decluttering ahead of your move

One big thing you can do to make moving day less stressful is to reduce the amount of stuff you are moving. As you pack, clear out items that you no longer love and use. A house clearance service may take them off your hands to recycle or sell. In some areas there is a ready market for domestic goods that still have some life in them – check out your local social media sites and small ads to see what people are selling and seeking.

Moving chilled or frozen food during very hot weather is unlikely to go well, so try to clear out your fridge and freezer ahead of time – maybe a farewell party for your friends and neighbours?

Take time to consider how the heat will affect your move

A little planning goes a long way when your move has an extra complication like very hot weather. Take some time in the run-up to the big day to think through the implications of heat on your move.

Some family members may struggle in the heat – the very young and the elderly are particularly vulnerable. Consider what arrangements they will need on the day.

House plants and pets are vulnerable to heat and will need special care during a move. Ensure pets have sufficient water, and never, ever leave them alone in a vehicle on a hot day, even for a few minutes. Consider putting your pets with a pet sitter on moving day so you can pick them up later and welcome them to their new home calmly.

Which of your possessions are particularly sensitive to heat? Would it be your vinyl record library, or your collection of decorative candles? It may help to move them ahead of time, or stash them in climate-controlled self-storage until the weather is cooler.

Take extra care of yourself during a heatwave

Remembering to take care of your own needs will help you to keep going throughout your moving day.

Dress for the weather – think light clothing, sunhat, sunglasses and sunscreen. Manual handling gloves can help with lifting, ensuring you can keep going for longer.

Drink plenty of water, and keep snacks handy to ensure you stay fuelled up. Remember to take regular breaks to cool down and rest. Anyone doing physical labour like moving house in hot weather should know the signs of heat exhaustion, and be ready to treat it – the NHS has some tips.

Extend the same care to your helpers – make sure they have plenty of drinking water and a shady spot where they can take a break.

Get tips for safe lifting and carrying

Safe lifting and carrying will help you to avoid accidents and injuries on moving day. If you don’ have professional help with your move, take time to learn more about the best ways to move furniture and boxes without hurting yourself – start with our blogpost on safe lifting.

Changing your schedule to accommodate the heat

Early mornings are usually cooler, even during a period of extreme heat. Get as much done as possible in the early hours – even starting before dawn if you have to.

Moving house during a heatwave is never going to be anyone’s first choice, but at the end of it, you’ll have the joy of settling into your new place and making yourself at home.