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What items are banned from storage?

What items are banned from storage?
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Operations - Store and Insure

7 things you can’t keep in a self-storage unit

From armchairs to Zimmer frames, self-storage companies have seen it all. But there are a few groups of items that aren’t welcome in your storage room.

1.       High value items need specialist facilities

Some storage units specialise in items like stamps, antiques, fine wines and fine art and can offer the right conditions for these precious items. But any bullion, jewellery, deeds, bonds and securities are best kept in a bank vault rather than a self-storage unit as they merit extra security. Although The Royal Mint has some guidance if you want to store your bullion at home.

2.       You can’t keep food in a storage unit

Foods are another restricted item. Food can attract pests. So many storage companies place restrictions on goods stored in bags or boxes. They are more likely to allow sealed tins. And you won’t be allowed to store food in a refrigerator within your unit without making special arrangements.

3.       You can’t house living creatures in a storage unit

Plants, birds, fish, animals or insects are banned from storage units. This is because the conditions in self-storage are not appropriate for animals. And keeping plants and animals can attract pests and creates mess and smells that might affect other units.

4.       Combustible items can’t be put in storage

Flammable, explosive or combustible items are too dangerous for a storage unit. This is because they could cause a fire or make a fire more dangerous. Some examples of flammable items that can’t be kept in a self-storage unit include:

  • cellulose nitrate film
  • cleaning solvents
  • fireworks
  • gas cylinders
  • oil
  • paint

Firearms, weapons, explosives and ammunition can’t be stored in your locker either.

It is likely that a storage company’s terms and conditions will also forbid chemicals, biological agents, toxic materials and radioactive materials. So super villains, you’ll have to look elsewhere for your storage needs.

As always, if you’re not sure about a specific item, ask the storage company.

5.       You can’t keep illegal items in storage

Contrary to what you’ve seen in thrillers and crime dramas, a storage lock-up is no place to stash ill-gotten gains, whether stolen, counterfeited or smuggled.

Illicit alcohol and tobacco, unlicensed meds and unsafe goods come under this heading too and are all best kept out of a storage unit.

6.       You can’t store waste

Self-storage is not a good option for tyres and asbestos, used vehicle parts or waste electricals. Most companies won’t allow you to store waste.

7.       Items that we can’t insure for you

Most reputable storage companies require that you insure your stored goods. So if you are storing something that is excluded from our policy, you will need to make separate insurance arrangements.

You should check the terms and conditions for items that we exclude from Store and Insure policies. Broadly, the exclusions are:

  • motor vehicles
  • living creatures
  • plants
  • money, coins, bullion, precious stones, deeds, bonds, securities
  • credit cards, debit cards and charge cards
  • lottery tickets or scratch cards
  • consumer redemption vouchers, stamps and cards
  • no more than 10% of your sum insured in any combination of: bottled spirits, processed tobacco, tobacco products, bottled perfumery.

For more details, have a look at the Terms and conditions and if you aren’t sure, call us up or send an email. And if you’ve got questions about activities banned from storage units, we’ve got a blog post.