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Storage Insurance Quote


Important Notes

i) The Policy is on a 'New for Old' basis therefore you should declare the replacement value of all the goods being placed into store. If you fail to insure all your goods in storage for their replacement value then Insurers will apply Average in the event of a loss.

ii) What is Average ?  If you under insure which means the cost or replacing your property is more than the sum insured, then Insurers will only pay a proportion of the, if you insure your goods for £ 5,000 and you claim is for £ 10,000, then you have under-insured by 50% and Insurers can only pay up to 50% of the claim or up to 50% of the sum insured, whichever is the less.

iii) Your goods must be stored in a self storage facility where only YOU have direct access to the storage unit otherwise cover will be invalidated. A self storage facility is deemed to be a purpose built or converted facility that offers do-it-yourself self-storage.

iv) Warranted no known or reported losses to your goods at the time and date cover is purchased. Cover cannot be back-dated.

v) Cover is for physical loss or damage from named perils only

vi) Cover includes loss or damage arising from mould or mildew following the ingress of water but cover excludes breakage, scratching, denting or marring of goods unless caused by an insured peril.

vii) Your quote comprises premium, insurance premium tax and a small service fee. The service fee is non-refundable in the event of cancellation.