This is a simple trick for anyone looking to save money on a monthly self-storage bill. Self-storage is typically charged by volume, so larger spaces are more expensive. This means you can make significant savings by downsizing to a smaller storage unit. To do this, you may have to make some hard decisions about what to keep in store – but there are ways of packing your unit more efficiently that will allow you to continue storing everything you want to in less space.
Draw up a self-storage inventory
An inventory will assist you in making the most of the storage space calculators provided by many self-storage companies. You can use an inventory to plan where each box or item will go in your storage unit, ensuring you have easy access to the goods you want to use frequently.
An inventory can help you work out if there are items in your storage unit that you are ready to get rid of, either by selling, donating or taking them to the household waste site for responsible disposal.
Is it best to take furniture apart for storage?
Dissembling larger items of furniture can make transporting and storing them easier and safer. We describe how in our blogpost about taking flatpack furniture apart.
For maximum efficiency in your storage unit, furniture such as wardrobes and bookshelves could be used for their intended purpose, which is to store clothes and books. You could even store things in a clean dry fridge, as long as you prop the door open to allow air to circulate.
What is the best size of packing box?
When looking for packing boxes, avoid very large cartons because they are often very heavy when filled and can be awkward to carry. They are more likely to be underfilled, which is a waste of space. You can often get boxes for free from shops or from people who have just moved house. But buying cartons or sturdy crates might make sense because then you’ll have boxes of a uniform size which will stack more efficiently.
Vacuum pack to save space in your storage unit
Vacuum storage bags can be used with a domestic vacuum cleaner to reduce the volume of clothing and bedding so they take up less space. The always helpful Mumsnet has a ‘swears by’ guide for vacuum storage bags.
Make sure you have easy access to stored items that you use frequently
If you are using your self-storage unit to keep items that you will need from time to time, such as seasonal items, packing your unit too tightly is not in your best interests. Remember to keep items you need quickly at the front of the space.
See our post for more packing tips.
Is my personal property insured when it’s in a storage unit?
Do you know if stored domestic goods are insured? Some home contents insurance policies do cover your stored goods, but many do not. You may have insurance bundled with your monthly self-storage costs – but you are free to shop around for a better deal. Get a quick quote with Store and Insure to see if we can save you some money on your self-storage insurance.