You can often get a better deal on your self-storage if you agree to a longer period of storage (perhaps six months), rather than paying week by week.
The reason for this is that a longer-term client is more cost-effective for the storage company because the unit is filled for a guaranteed period. Also, there is no need for them to send out monthly or weekly reminders or invoices.
If you’re ready to commit to storage, here are some points to consider.
Organise your unit for long-term storage
You will be more likely to make efficient use of your storage unit if you take care in packing it so that it is easy to move goods in and out as you need them.
Make sure items are clean and dry before you store them to avoid giving your unit a musty smell, or worse, introducing mould or pests like moth.
Place larger items first, and place smaller items around them. Consider using boxes and crates that are easy to move, as this will make it simpler to access your stored goods.
Keep an inventory of your stored goods
There are several benefits to keeping a storage inventory. The first is that you need an inventory for insurance purposes.
The second is that it makes it easier to find your possessions – it’s amazing how quickly you forget what you’ve got in your storage unit. A good inventory will save you from buying a duplicate item because you’ll know exactly what you own and where to find it.
For some tips on maintaining your self-storage inventory, we’ve got a blogpost. We recommend including the replacement value of your stored items, as well as serial numbers and purchase dates.
Some self-storage companies even have apps for creating an inventory, or many people use a spreadsheet. There are various apps you can use – Boxorganiser will print a QR code sticker for your boxes that will link you to a contents list.
Review your self-storage needs
We recommend looking over your stored goods every few months. This is to ensure that all is well in your storage unit, and it will also remind you of what you’ve got stored. You may find that you want to get rid of some things that have been in store for a long time as you no longer need them. This could allow you to move to a smaller unit, cutting your storage costs, or it will open up more space that you can use to declutter your home.
Remember to update your self-storage insurance inventory if you move things around – it’s quick and easy with your Store and Insure policy: just get in touch. Keeping us updated will ensure you don’t overpay or underinsure.
Can I get a reduction on my storage insurance bill for a long-term commitment?
Our rates are already very competitive, so we don’t give a discount for a longer commitment. But for your convenience we offer either fixed term or automatic renewal options. If you don’t insure your stored goods with us, get a quote to check that you’re not overpaying. It’s not unusual for self-storage companies to charge over the odds for their own self-storage policies because they are not specialist insurers like us.