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Helping an elderly relative use storage

Helping an elderly relative use storage
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Operations - Store and Insure

Using storage when you are a carer

Supporting an elderly relative as a carer is tough but also rewarding. Problems arise as the person’s needs change, and you need to have all sorts of tricks up your carer’s sleeve to meet these challenges. One resource you can draw on is self-storage: whether you need to protect possessions, make your relative’s home easier to maintain or just clear some space for a short period.

Storage can help during accommodation changes

Self-storage can be really helpful during transitional periods. For example, if your relative is downsizing or moving into accommodation that offers more support, a self-storage unit allows them to keep possessions while they decide what they need and what they don’t.

Self-storage can keep valuables safe

Unfortunately older people are targeted by dishonest dealers who go door-to-door looking to buy antiques and valuables. And valuables prominently displayed can also tempt burglars. So if your relative is concerned about keeping antiques or collectibles in the house, consider using self-storage. Antique furniture and pictures often fare better in a climate-controlled storage unit than they do in a domestic setting. You may find your relative enjoys visiting the storage site to look over their possessions from time to time. You should take this into account when you choose a storage company as some have better access and more attractive facilities than others.

Jewellery and cash, of course, are better off in a bank. But antiques can be covered by Store and Insure’s insurance policy for complete peace of mind.

Use self-storage to reduce clutter in a frail person’s home

Clutter can make it difficult for a person to move around their home. This is particularly the case if they use a walking aid or if their eyesight is fading. Visual clutter can be stressful, too, and the effort of caring for a lot of possessions may be too much for a frail elderly person. If they are not happy about selling or donating their possessions, moving stuff into storage can help them see the benefits of a less cluttered environment.

A word about hoarding

Clutter can also be dangerous: it is a fire risk for a start. It can make it harder for the person to find their possessions, such as keys and documents. It might be a hygiene risk, too, and it can stop the person from enjoying a healthy social life because they are too embarrassed to invite their friends to visit. See our blogpost on the dangers of clutter for more information.

It is difficult to say when clutter becomes hoarding, but hoarding is, unfortunately, not a problem that can be resolved with self-storage. If as a carer you feel your relative is hoarding, then talk with their GP and with adult social services: it is not something you can tackle alone. This information about clutter and hoarding from independent living advice site People First might help.

Use self-storage to make space for new equipment

An older person may need extra equipment to help them maintain their independence. For example, a wheelchair, walking aid or a mobility scooter. Or they may need a hospital bed during periods of ill-health. You can use self-storage to free up whatever space is needed. Store and Insure can provide day-by-day coverage, too, so talk to us even if you’re only storing for a limited period.

Self-storage insurance will give your relative complete peace of mind. You’ll be wanting to know how much self-storage insurance costs, so get in touch and ask us for a quote. We can offer coverage from just 57p per week per £1,000 sums insured.