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Storing camping gear

A dog guards neatly packed camping gear
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How to pack away camping equipment until your next trip

Now that it’s starting to get chillier and the summer camping season is over, you may be wondering where to put all of your gear. Tents, boots, gas stoves and any other equipment need to be stored correctly to avoid damage. Here are some of our tips...

1. Clean your equipment and let it dry out

Camping often comes with a lot of mud and dirt, on your gear and on yourself! Wipe down your boots and put your hiking clothes in the wash. Brush out all the leaves, mud and little creatures in your tent and then give it a good clean with a damp cloth and some antibacterial spray. The most important part is to let your stuff dry out properly before you store it, especially your tent.

Storing wet camping gear can create mould, which could irreparably damage your camping gear and set off your allergies. Pitch up your tent and leave your sleeping bags, ground sheets and roll mats out on a dry day to remove all the moisture. Go Outdoors has some great advice on how to care for your tent if you need more information.

2. Keep small items in boxes

It can be very easy to lose little things in a garage, cupboard or wherever you keep your camping equipment. You don't want to come back next summer and find you've lost your forks or that really important screw that holds up the tent. Keep these objects in bags, plastic tubs or boxes or anything else that will be secure.

3. Disconnect gas bottles and batteries

If you were cooking some delicious meals on a portable gas cooker, it's a good idea to remove the gas canister and store it where you know it will be safe. Note that you probably won’t be able to keep a gas cylinder in a storage unit. If you have questions about what you can and cannot store, ask your storage company.

The same goes for batteries in torches (note that these, too, may not be allowed in a storage unit). To prevent leakage and battery corrosion take them out of your torch and put them back in on your next camping trip.

4. Consider putting your stuff in a climate-controlled storage unit

Camping gear can be very susceptible to mildew. Using a climate-controlled storage unit regulates the temperature and humidity, keeping your goods dry and at less risk of damage. You can also take more precautions by reading our article on preventing mildew in storage.

You may be wondering whether your goods will be covered by insurance when stored in a unit. You may be covered under your contents insurance or the storage unit facility may provide insurance for your goods while in storage, but you will need to check with your providers. If you are not covered by either of these then you can outsource your insurance with us – get a quote from us today!

Until the sun comes back out...

Keeping your gear safely stored away means you can go camping for many more summers to come, or even winters if you are brave enough to face the cold.