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Organise your home routines to beat allergies

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Simple household chores that will help you manage your allergy symptoms

Wheezing, sneezing, red itchy eyes, hives and red cracked skin are all symptoms of allergies. If you get relief from your allergy symptoms away from home, it might be that your living space is setting off your allergies. So here are some ideas to help reduce your exposure to allergens at home.

Common household allergens that can be managed through good cleaning routines are dust mites, volatile organic compounds and mould.

Speak to your allergy doctor or nurse

A healthcare professional will have an in-depth understanding of your allergy, and may be able to recommend steps you can take to reduce your exposure to allergens at home and relieve your symptoms. Or the charity Allergy UK has advice and tips for living with allergies. There may also be an organisation that supports your specific allergy.

Household repairs that can keep your house allergy friendly

Mould gives off spores that can trigger respiratory allergies and cause symptoms such as wheezing and rhinitis. Moulds thrive in a damp, humid environment. By checking your home regularly for leaks and making minor repairs as they arise you will keep your living space mould-free.

Good ventilation is important – so make sure trickle vents and extractor fans are working as they should be. Give vents and fans a clean from time to time so that they don’t blow dust around your home. And make sure leaks are repaired promptly so that mould doesn’t have a chance to form.

Note that some household repair materials can give off volatile organic compounds, and if these are one of your triggers, try to be out of the house while the repair is being done.

Beat mould with a new laundry routine

Take a look at your laundry routine: if you are drying clothes indoors you are increasing the damp in your home, which can promote mould. Consider line drying outside or using a tumble dryer if you can. You could also take your clothes to the laundrette, or use a laundry service.

Change your household cleaning products

Some powerful household cleaning products give off volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that can trigger allergies. You might have to experiment to find cleaning products that work for you. Asthma UK recommends:

  • opt for non-aerosol cleaning products
  • use a small amount of cleaning product, or even just use water and a cloth
  • go for cleaning products that do not have perfume added

You may need to consider paying for a cleaning service to reduce your exposure to both dust and cleaning products.

Declutter to keep dust at bay

A cluttered environment is difficult to clean, and people who live with clutter may find themselves avoiding chores like vacuuming and dusting. Unfortunately, this allows allergens like dust mites to thrive. And in a cluttered home you may miss patches of damp on which moulds can live. Decluttering makes it easier to maintain a cleaning routine that will help reduce your exposure to allergens.

Decluttering may mean a trip to the tip or donation centre – but you can also put some items in a storage unit, particularly things that you only use at certain times of year, such as Christmas decorations. Self-storage costs don’t have to be burdensome, and there are plenty of ways to save – including by asking your provider how much they charge for self-storage insurance. It’s worth shopping around for self-storage insurance, as your storage company may not be able to offer you the best price. Make sure you get a quote from Store and Insure so you can compare.

And if you’d like a few more ideas about reducing allergens in your home, try our blogpost, Are you allergic to your house?