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Storing Christmas wrapping paper

Storing Christmas wrapping paper
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Operations - Store and Insure

Make gift wrapping a pleasure with these organisation tips

Thoughtful wrapping can add real WOW to your gift. Think paper or a bag that compliments the present, clever embellishments or a wrapping that is part of the gift. And wrapping gifts can be an enjoyable process, too. It gives you time to reflect on what you are giving and to anticipate the recipient’s pleasure, both of which should add to your happiness.

But are you fighting your way through tangled ribbons and raffia and wrestling with unruly rolls of torn wrapping paper, or a collection of used papers that you have saved out of guilt? Follow our tips for a calmer, more pleasant wrapping experience.

Declutter your wrapping paper collection

The first step to gift-wrap serenity is to declutter your wrapping paper collection. Get rid of paper that you are never going to use because it is not to your taste. Sheets of gift-wrap that are torn or tatty could be cut down and pasted on to cardboard gift tags, or used in other crafts. Or you may just need to dispose of your surplus gift-wrap and move on.

Disposing of unwanted gift-wrap

In general, gift-wrap that stays scrunched when you crumple it can be recycled. Gift-wrap that springs back cannot as it is plastic-coated. Wrapping paper that has lots of tape and ribbons on it will not be recyclable and nor will paper that has glitter on it. Gift-wrap can be useful as packaging or padding when you send a parcel. Or it could be shredded and used in a hamper. If you enjoy making your own paper, some paints will make your paper impossible to recycle, so bear that in mind.

A local scrapstore or craft group may be able to use sheets of unwanted wrapping paper, ribbons or gift bags. Charity shops may be able to sell unused rolls and packs of gift-wrap.

Plan to buy mindfully when you shop for wrapping paper from now on. Think about whether it can be re-used and recycled. And aim to run down your stock before you buy new.

Tips for re-using wrapping paper

If you want to re-use wrapping paper, consider whether you can avoid using tape which tears the paper. Box or pad awkwardly shaped gifts to make wrapping your present easier. It’s fun to watch children tearing into their presents, but if you want to save the paper, you may have to forgo that pleasure. Opt for thicker paper, and make sure it’s recyclable so you can easily dispose of it when it can no longer be re-used.

For the ultimate in re-usable present wrapping, think beyond paper. You could cut up an old sheet and experiment with dyes or stitching. Or invest in a few Japanese furoshiki cloths and learn some furoshiki wrapping techniques, like these described by fabric seller Spoonflower.

Wrapping that is part of the gift

Sometimes you can make the wrapping part of the gift. Bath shop Lush sells vintage scarves to that can be used to wrap their products. But a fun tea towel, a shawl or almost any attractive bag or box could be used as gift wrapping.

Avoiding gift wrapping

If you don’t actually like wrapping gifts, turn to gift bags. They can be a bit pricy, but it’s worth buying good quality ones as they can be used again and again. Another smart alternative is a plain kraft paper bag jollied up with a bit of ribbon, some stickers, washi tape or a bold stamp.

Storing wrapping paper

Wrapping paper and other gift supplies soon start to look tatty if you are constantly moving them out of the way to get to other things. So giving them their own dedicated storage space makes a lot of sense.

Underbed drawers are the perfect size for storing rolls of wrapping paper. You could also stand rolls of paper in a tall laundry basket or hang them on dowels at a permanent gift-wrap station. Flat boxes are useful for storing sheets of tissue paper and smaller pieces of gift-wrap.

Store seasonal paper outside the house

You only give Christmas presents once a year, so consider storing all your Christmas wrapping supplies outside your home. That way, it’s all safe and in one place, and you can collect it once you are ready to start wrapping. A storage unit is the perfect place to keep festive items. If you’re wondering how much storage costs monthly, our post will help. Don’t forget insurance, too, as you will want to protect your stored goods. Store and Insure can offer you a great deal, so get a quick quote now.

Keeping your tape, ribbons and gift-wrap organised will help make present giving a relaxing, almost meditative exercise – and with that, we would like to wish you a very merry Christmas.