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Self-storage tips for students

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Cramped, insecure student accommodation? Self-storage can help

The joys of being a student: sharing a living space with a crowd of irresponsible strangers who cheerfully invite other strangers to visit and leave the front door unlocked. And don’t get started on the complete mission that is transporting all your possessions home at the end of term.

Self-storage can offer a secure space for your personal items either long or short term. Storage companies in university towns may offer discounts to students, so make sure you ask.

Use self-storage for security

Student accommodation both on and off-campus is notoriously insecure. People hand out the door codes to halls of residence, or share their keys with friends, and no-one wants to be the one to challenge an unfamiliar face in the corridor. Even private lettings are vulnerable because of poor repair or cheap design, and that goes double if your housemates are careless and irresponsible.

Self-storage makes sense for portable high-value items that you don’t use every day in your room. For example, a musical instrument, amplifier or sports gear.

Use self-storage to save space in your accommodation

Many student blocks seem designed to cram as many people into as smaller space as possible, and there often is not room for storage. It makes sense then to move anything that you don’t need every day for your studies or extracurricular activities into a storage unit. An example of this might be formal wear, or notes and books from earlier parts of your course.

Use self-storage if you’re having a party

When you’re having an epic student party, the last thing you want to be worrying about is guests damaging your stuff. So put anything fragile or valuable straight into storage for the day or week of your party.

Self-storage for your uni projects

Anyone who has worked on a large-scale art project or an architecture model knows what a headache these fragile items can be to store in a busy department or shared accommodation. Keeping them in a storage unit will give you complete peace of mind.

Self-storage during the uni holidays

Rather than bringing all your bedding, your kettle and your toastie maker back to mum and dad’s during the summer, why not store them so that they’re waiting for you when you return

Insure your stored goods

You may be wondering if the contents insurance you have for your student accommodation will cover your stored domestic goods. Most contents insurance will only cover goods at your address, not while they are in storage. But insurance is usually required under the contract you have with your storage company. Many self-storage companies have their own insurance policies, but you may get a better price from an independent self-storage insurance provider like Store and Insure. Get a quick self-storage insurance quote from us to make sure you’re not overpaying for self-storage insurance.


Question and Answer


Can I store my stuff at university over summer?

Some university accommodation will allow you to store your things over the summer, but many colleges let out rooms outside term time. Rather than bringing all your stuff back to your parents’ home, use a self-storage unit during vacation. It’s more secure than most accommodation, too, particularly private lets that might be standing empty for a number of weeks. Don’t forget to ask your storage company about any student discounts.